Georgia creates ideal conditions for the production of mono-floral and poly-floral honey: Chestnut, Alpine, Blossom, Acacia, Linden, Solidago and wild honey “Jara”. Royal B is working on the Linden honey type for the time being.
This kind of honey is made from the nectar of the Linden flower from the lime tree. Linden honey contains a brilliant combination of vitamins, micro- and macronutrients, minerals and acids which makes it a perfect additional cure for many diseases. It is highly recommended for use during flu, coughing and high temperature. Royal B owns 1000 beehives, which are located in the Caucasian mountains in the region of Kakheti, within ecologically clean areas that are less affected by anthropogenic (human) impacts.
Royal B honey produces 3 sizes of honey jars: 250, 350, 450 gr for the usual market consumption but we also welcome custom orders in any shape or form.
The project in the first phase consists of 7000 bee houses, where production reaches 315 Tons of honey per season, to be exported later to all parts of the world through packaging with the presence of licenses from the Georgian state and the European Union. Royal B is looking to raise an investment of US$ 7Mil, where the financial projections show an impressive ROI of 57%. The details of this project can be found below.
The Caucasian honey bee originates from the high valleys of the Central Caucasus and Georgia the “central homeland” for the subspecies. According to a UK newspaper, the Caucasian Honey Bee also known as the Golden Bee, has been judged the best in the world and awarded many gold medals since the 1960’s. The grey Caucasian bee is distinguished for its industry and it produces honey, even when it is raining.
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